Sunday, September 24, 2006

Vedic Astrology : An Introduction

"Astrology is based on astronomy to a great tent; in that, astrologers need to know the correct positions of the planets at any given time, well as the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed star signs in relation to any place on earth at any given time. Once the correct positions of the signs and planets are known, the astrologer then constructs charts representing these positions, and using the astrological science, studies the birth charts and can make quite a wide range of conclusions about the moment the chart was cast for.

Charts are cast based on an exact moment at an exact place on Earth. Therefore, the moment you were born and the place you were born has a chart, or can have a chart, and that is called your 'birth chart' or 'natal chart'. By reading the chart of the heavens for the time and place of your birth, we can know much about you. That is the claim of astrology. It can be used for other things such as the chart of a question asked (called 'Prasna' astrology) or for planning when to do some certain action (called 'Muhurtha' or 'Electional' astrology). Primarily, astrology is used to understand ourselves, or our karma for this life.

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