Monday, October 31, 2011

Lagna Ashtama for Horoscope Matching

For Horoscope matching, lagna ashtama should be avoided.

In selecting a time for marriage, the Lagna ascending should not happen to be the 8th from the Janma Lagna of the bride and the bridegroom. Suppose the would be husband and wife are born in Aquarius and Capricorn respectively. At the time of marriage, the ascending Lagna should be a sign other than Virgo or Leo as these two happen to be the 8th from the bridegroom and bride's Janma Lagnas respectively.

Surya Sankramana

The 2nd great evil is Surya Sankramana or the solar ingress into different zodiacal signs. When the Sun is about to leave one sign and enter another there seem to occur certain disturbances in the organisation of the solar forces and such times are
not recommended for any good work. On the contrary, they are held to be propitious for meditation, initiation into secret mantras and performance of certain religious rites which are held to purify not only the bodily electrical discharges but also the mental currents. Sixteen ghatis (6 hours 24 minutes) both before and after the entry of the Sun
into a new sign should be rejected for all new works.

Panchanga Suddhi for Muhurtha

A Panchanga consists of tithi, vara, nakshatra. yoga and karana. All these must be
auspicious. In regard to lunar days, the 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th and 14th, full
and new moon days should be avoided. In regard to vara, Thursday and
Friday are held to be suitable for all works. Tuesday, is to be generally
avoided except when it happens to be the 10th, 12th or 16th day of the
child's birth when the child's Namakarana (baptising or giving name)
may be performed. Of the several Nakshatras, Bharani and Krittika
should be avoided for all auspicious works as these two are said to be
presided over by the god of death (Yama) and the god of fire (Agni)
respectively. In urgent cases if the Lagna could be fortified, the dosha
due to nakshatra may get neutralised. The last parts of Aslesha,
Jyeshta and Revati should also be avoided. Coming to the Yoga (vide
page 12) the 6th (Atiganda). 9th (Soola). 10th (Ganda), 17th (Vyatipata)
and 27th (Vydhruti) have deleterious effects upon events which are
started or commenced under them. - The Karana chosen must be
appropriate to the election in view. Thus Bava is auspicious for starting
works of permanent importance while Thaithula is propitious for
marriage. Bhadra is unfit for any good work but is eminently suitable for
violent and cruel deeds. For getting initiation into kshudra mantras
Sakuni Havana is propitious.

Therefore, Panchanga Suddhi means a good lunar day, a beneficial
weekday, an auspicious constellation, a good yoga and a fertilising

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tastes and speech
1. If Saturn is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native
would be inclined to sour and pungent flavors
2. If Mars is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native
would be inclined to hot food
3. If Czone india Jupiter is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native
would like sattvik food
4. Venus in 2nd would make one loose in morals kundali matching
5. Ketu or Jupiter in 2nd would make one a clever speaker. If there’s Saturn, he’s
liable to speak rudely
6. Moon in the 2nd would make the native talkative. If Sun and Mars are in 2nd, the
person speaks harshly online jyotish 7. If Mercury is in 2nd, he’ll speak cleverly and skillfully. If Rahu is present, he’ll
speak with humility and free matching horoscope
8. If Venus is in 2nd, the native would like milk and sweets. Rahu or Ketu in 2nd
makes one adaptable gun milan
9. If Saturn is in 2nd, the food eaten by the native gets polluted by sudras

Education yogas for marriage

Education yogas

1. Venus or Mercury in 4th makes the native proficient in music and astrology
respectively star matching
2. If Rahu conjoins either Sun or Mercury in 5th, the native becomes an expert in
astrology and dealing with poisons
3. A Sun-Mercury combination in 2nd makes one a good astrologer. If this
combination is aspected by Saturn, the native becomes a mathematician
4. Sun and Mars in 2nd makes one a logician. Saturn, Mercury and Sun in 5th makes
the native an expert in philosophy
5. A Sun-Mercury combine in either a quadrant, trine or 11th makes one a
mathematician. Venus in 2nd makes one a poet
6. Rahu in 4th confers long life to the mother. If in 5th, the native becomes an
expert in understanding inner meanings of things
7. Jupiter in 2nd, especially when that happens to be either Sagittarius, Pisces or
Cancer, makes one an expert in the Vedas
8. It’s fortunate to have Jupiter and the 2nd lord associated in a quadrant or trine
9. The presence of Moon and Mars in 2nd makes one a priest
10. Saturn in the 2nd makes one vindictive and a fool

Poverty yogas horoscope matching indian

1. If the lagna lord is in 8th, together with lords of 4th and 9th, there’s sure to be life
long poverty
horoscope matching indian
2. If there’s a parivartana between the 2nd and 12th lords, poverty is certain
3. If the 2nd lord is in 12th, the 12th lord in lagna and aspected by a malefic, poverty
is indicated

Dhana yogas for horoscope match

1. If the there’s a parivartana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the 2nd and
11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the placement of the 5th and
9th lords in their own houses
2. If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th, dhana yoga
3. If the said planets (2nd and 11th)are associated with lords other than the 5th and
9th, no dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy moderate wealth
4. There’ll be loss of wealth if the 12th lord associates with the 2nd and 11th lords
5. It’s always fortunate for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and Mercury
6. If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a dhana yoga is formed
7. If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a powerful dhana yoga results
8. If the different karakas are present in their respective bhavas, such bhavas lose
their vitality and give rise to very little of their indications
9. For Capricornians, if Moon is alone in Aquarius, the native regains lost wealth

Saggitarius-Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces Horoscope

Sagittarius:1. Saturn, when in Aries, confers prosperity during its dasa
2. This is the only ascendant for which Saturn in 11th confers a yoga
3. If Sun and Venus are in Leo with Saturn in Aquarius, the Saturn dasa will bring
in wealth
Capricorn:1. If Mercury is in Leo with Jupiter in lagna and aspected by Venus, long life is
conferred, but with poverty
2. Venus in in Taurus is good; if in Libra, though, he may not prove so fortunate
3. If Venus and Mercury are in lagna with Moon in Taurus aspected by Jupiter, the
native is certain to become an emperor. This is called a maharaja yoga
4. If Jupiter is in lagna with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, brothers will give the
native riches during the Jupiter dasa
5. When Sun, Moon and Mercury are in lagna, with Mars and Venus in Sagittarius,
the native will be replete with wealth
6. A Saturn-Mercury combination in Virgo confers fortune. Rahu becomes a
yogakaraka if he’s with Jupiter in Sagittarius
7. The presence of Moon in Cancer and Mars in lagna causes a rajayoga
1. For both Aquarius and Leo ascendant natives, the mere association of the 9th
and 10th lords doesn’t confer any rajayoga
2. If Venus and Rahu are in lagna with Sun in Scorpio, yoga will be caused in the
dasas of Rahu and Jupiter
3. If Sun and Mars are in Virgo, the native suffers during their dasas. The Mercury
dasa will be better
4. Jupiter in lagna with Saturn in Pisces will see mixed results during the Jupiter
dasa and an ordinary time during the Saturn dasa
5. If Saturn and Venus are in Sagittarius, the Venus dasa proves fortunate
6. A Sun-Mercury-Jupiter combine in Aries is good, especially during the Sun dasa
when the native enjoys power
1. While Venus in 12th produces benefic results for all other ascendants, this isn’t
the case for either Pisces or Aquarius
2. Saturn in Aquarius is good. However, if Moon is in Aquarius, the native suffers
poverty (though there’s an alleviation of this in Jupiter dasa, Moon bhukti)
3. Jupiter in Cancer will bestow more daughters than sons
4. If Moon is in Aries and Mars in Cancer, Moon’s dasa brings wealth
5. If Moon and Mars are in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Venus in Libra and Saturn in
Scorpio, the native will be highly fortunate
6. A Moon-Mercury-Mars combine in Capricorn is an indicator of wealth and
7. If Saturn and Moon are in lagna, Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Leo, predict
fortune for the native
8. If Mercury, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in lagna, the dasas of these planets
bring in immense fame, power and prosperity
9. Jupiter posited in Sagittarius certainly causes a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in Taurus, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Jupiter in
Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn, there’ll be much fortune to
the native. Even if one or two of these combinations are absent, there’ll still the
full effects of a rajayoga

Scorpio Horoscope

1. An association of Jupiter and Mercury brings in wealth
2. If Jupiter is in Capricorn, the native will be charitable
3. If Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Taurus, the Mercury dasa confers lots of fame
and power
4. When Jupiter and Mercury are in Pisces with Moon in Virgo, the native will be
5. If there’s a Jupiter-Moon-Ketu combine in Cancer, the Ketu dasa will be
ordinary but the Jupiter dasa excellent

Libra Horoscope

1. Saturn is a yogakaraka. Though lord of 3rd and 6th, Jupiter is also capable of
producing yogas
2. Mars doesn’t become a maraca, although it lords the 2nd and 7th houses
3. If Jupiter and Venus are associated or are aspected by Saturn and Mars, during
the Jupiter or Venus dasas and bhuktis, the native suffers from skin infections and
4. If Sun and Mercury are in Virgo and aspected by Saturn, the father will be
5. If Mars is in association with Sun, Saturn and Mercury, it produces immense
6. If Sun, Mercury and Saturn are combined with either Moon or Mars, a rajayoga
is produced
7. If there’s a Sun-Venus-Mercury combination in lagna, the native gets very
fortunate and wealthy
8. If in lagna there are Mercury, Saturn and Venus, or the Moon and Mars in
Aries, the Mercury dasa will prove fruitful
9. The presence of Mars and Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in
Gemini creates a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in lagna with Jupiter either in Virgo or Pisces, the Saturn dasa brings
in wealth and fortune
11. Venus becomes a maraca if he’s in the ascendant
12. If the Saturn is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, a rajayoga results
13. If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, and Rahu is in Cancer,
the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa

Virgo Horoscope

1. A Sun-Moon-Venus association will bring in lots of wealth during the Sun dasa
2. The native loses wealth during the Venus dasa. Mixed results can be expected
during the Moon dasa
3. When Moon and Venus are in Pisces, with Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Aries,
during the Jupiter and Venus dasas, the native will have multiple wives, who will
all be alive. Virgo natives possess women of high rank
4. A Jupiter-Venus combine in Sagittarius produces fortunes during their dasas
and bhuktis
5. If Saturn is in Cancer, its dasa will be fruitful

Leo Horoscope

1. Sun-Mercury-Mars or Sun-Jupiter-Mercury conjunctions indicate wealth,
whereas only a Sun-Mercury combination indicates moderate fortunes
2. A Jupiter-Venus combine causes destruction of other yogas
3. Venus can’t produce a yoga. However, he becomes a benefic when in Libra but
a malefic when in Taurus
4. If there’s a Sun-Mercury-Mars conjunction in lagna, the Mercury dasa brings in
much wealth
5. The Saturn dasa will be fortunate if there’s a Saturn-Mars combination in

free marriage compatibility report

A Free marriage compatibility report
1. While Mercury proves fruitful, Jupiter doesn’t cause any yoga
2. Mars is a yogakaraka, and even more so if posited in either of his own houses
3. Venus can also be a benefic, but only if he’s posited either in Leo or Gemini
4. If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Leo, with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, the native
will become wealthy and fortunate
5. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio, Mercury confers fortune during its dasa
6. If Mercury, Venus and Moon are in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Aries,
the result is a maha rajayoga and will definitely make the native a king
7. If Sun and Mars are in Aries, the native will always be wealthy. Death results
during the Jupiter dasa
8. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini, Venus dasa will prove fortunate
9. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in lagna will make the native famous and fortunate
10. When Moon is in lagna, rajayogas are produced when either Mars is in
Capricorn, Saturn is in Libra, or Sun is in Aries
11. When there’s a combination of Sun and Mercury in lagna, Venus in Libra, and
Moon-Mars-Jupiter in Taurus, the native becomes bankrupt during the Sun dasa,
while other dasas will be good
12. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus, and Saturn and Rahu are in Scorpio, the
native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa

Gemini Horoscope

1. The placement of Sun and Mercury in Leo proves fortunate in Mercury’s dasa
2. A Venus-Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer results in wealth during the Venus
3. There will be mixed results during Saturn dasa if Mars is in Cancer, with Moon
and Saturn in Capricorn
4. With the above planetary placement, Mars confers wealth during his dasa
5. If Mars and Saturn are in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, the native’s prosperity
and wealth get mostly destroyed during the dasas of Mars and Saturn
6. Despite being the lord of 2nd, Moon isn’t a maraka
7. When Saturn is in Aquarius and there’s a Mars-Moon conjunction in Aries, a
powerful dhana yoga results
8. If Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the
Ganga during the dasas of Jupiter and Saturn
9. When Mercury is in Aries, misunderstandings with elder brother are indicated

Taurus Horoscope Matching

1. Neither is Saturn a yogakaraka, nor do Sun and Mercury confer any fortunes if
they’re in lagna
2. If there’s a Mars-Jupiter combination in Capricorn or Rahu is in Aquarius, the
native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga
3. Moon is capable of producing a yoga when posited in Leo and aspected by
either Jupiter or Mercury
4. Mars, when in 7th, is a benefic. If Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in Pisces, long
life is indicated
5. A Jupiter-Mercury association causes dhana yoga
6. The above dhana yoga is destroyed if either planet is aspected by Mars
7. There will be debts during Mercury’s dasa if there’s an association between
Mars, Jupiter and
8. Jupiter’s dasa will give mixed results whereas Mars’ dasa gives wealth. If
Mercury is in a quadrant,
the native is blessed with happiness during its dasa
9. If Mercury and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is in Scorpio, Mercury dasa will
be fortunate
10. If Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both Mercury’s and
Jupiter’s dasas will be fortunate
11. If Saturn, Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, and Rahu in Pisces, the native
enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Mars and Rahu
12. If Moon and Venus are in Libra, with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter
dasa will cause a dhana yoga at
13. Lots of wealth are indicated in the Venus dasa
14. Moon in lagna isn’t very auspicious, and will afflict other dhana yogas present
in the chart
15. The native becomes very fortunate if Moon is in the lagna of any sign other
than Taurus

bhavarta ratnakara

1. A Sun-Moon combination confers rajayoga
2. Venus is a maraka
3. Jupiter becomes a maraka if he occupies Capricorn
4. A Jupiter-Saturn association doesn’t confer a rajayoga
5. An Aries native will have fear of diseases (especially smallpox), weapons and
6. If Mars conjoins Mercury, death by brain disease occurs in his dasa and bhukti
7. This is the only lagna where it’s great if the 2nd lord is in the 12th; this isn’t the
case with
any other lagnas
8. A Mars-Venus combination can be both favorable and fatal
9. Mars, when conjoined with Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, becomes a yogakaraka
10. If the above combination occurs in Gemini, there isn’t any yoga
11. If Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer, he becomes a yogakaraka
12. Mars will prove a benefic during his dasa if he’s in Leo
13. Jupiter in Aquarius won’t automatically give good results in his dasa
14. A Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo gives the native skin diseases, eruptions
and wounds.
15. The native will possess self-earned wealth if Mars and Venus are in Libra
16. Mars, if in conjunction with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, will confer some fame
17. There’s a special yoga produced when Mars, Sun and Jupiter are in Sagittarius,
with Venus
and Saturn in Libra
18. Venus confers a rajayoga if he’s in lagna with the Sun and unaspected by
19. Sun will become a yogakaraka when aspected by Jupiter; the same can’t be said
for Venus when she is aspected by Jupiter
20. A Sun-Mercury-Venus combination in Aquarius is a fortunate combination,
with all three conferring riches during their dasas and bhuktis
21. When Sun is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, the native enjoys a rajayoga
22. A Sun-Jupiter-Venus combination in Capricorn helps the native enjoy dips in
holy rivers like the Gaìgä

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Indian Astrology - An Introduction


The science of Astrology has great antiquity behind it. Vedas which are said to be the oldest religious literature available has references to this science. Astrology has great importance attached to it as "Vedanga Jyothisha". That means "Jyothisha or Astrology" is one of the limbs of the "Vedas" (1500 B.C.). Hindus were the original masters who had the thorough knowledge of astronomy and many rituals and religious rites were related to the position of planets and their motions. It was expected of all those who wanted to understand Vedas, to be well versed with the knowledge of astronomy and astrology. The earliest astronomical works such as Surya Siddanta and Vedanga Jyothisha are more then five thousand years old. Long before Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Galilio and other galaxy of astronomers were born, the Hindu sages had already gained much knowledge on the stellar or planetary universe.
Vedas are the oldest writings of the World's religious literature and in them one could see the mention of Vedanga Jyothisha. In other words there are several verses devoted to explain the astronomical knowledge in Rig-Veda and Atharvana Veda.
The early Siddantas are Hindu astronomical works which give us the period of Mahayuga which comprises of Kritha, Thretha, Dwapara and Kali Yugas. It has been estimated that Mahayuga comprises of 43,20,000 (Four Million, Three hundred and twenty thousand years) and the
age of our solar system is 1972,949,099 (One thousand nine hundred seventy two million and nine hundred and forty-nine thousand ninety nine years) which will be approximately 2,000 million years. This figure has been tallied with the figures given by Sir James Joans based on geological and astronomical study. It is beyond our imagination how the Hindu Sages could know these
facts without the scientific instruments available to the modern scientists.
Jyothisha has been divided into three main branches of study. 1. Siddanta, 2. Samhita and 3. Hora.
Siddantas are those which devote to astronomical study of celestial bodies. Samhitas deal with mundane astrology, earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, rainfall, weather conditions economic conditions and effects of sunspots. The next and the very important branch is the Phalitha Jyothisha branch which concentrates on the system of predictions. And this branch has six sub-divisions, namely, Jathaka, Gola, Prasna, Nimitta, Muhurta and Ganitha.

In Palitha Jyothisha (predictive system) we have three important schools. They are Parashari, Jaimini and Thajaka.
Universally applicable school of predictive system is that of Parashari.

Nadi System
Apart from these schools of planetary interpretations, we have what we can call as Nadi system which gives pen pictures of life and destiny patterns of people born at 12,24,48 seconds intervals. These have been written on palm leaves. Only very few experts can read and understand these, but the results and predictions are found to be amazingly accurate. Nadi, Guru, Shukra,
Chandra, Budha, Suka, Narada, Markandeya, Satya Nadis are found in the oriental manuscript's library at Madras (India).

Zodiac and Planets
The Hindu Predictive zodiac consists of 27 constellations, in 12 lunar mansions. The movements of two luminaries Sun and Moon, five major planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury) and the two nodal points of the Moon i.e., Rahu and Ketu are considered and their positions are marked. The extra Saturnine planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are not recognised by the Hindus.
Above all, Moon is taken as very important planet for predictions though it is satellite of earth. The Moon, at the time of birth is found in a particular position or in a particular star and it will be taken as the star of the person born. This star will be used for finding out the major and sub-periods of the person in his life. The transitory influences of planets in relation to the natal Moon are also studied.

Comparison with Western Astrology
When we compare the Hindu Astrology with that of the Western Astrology there are certain general principles found in both the systems. Ownership of houses, exaltation, debilitation, characteristics of planets and 12 aspects of human life are same. In certain other aspects they differ from each other. For example the square opposition aspects are bad and trine and sextile aspects are always good in Western Astrology. Where as in the Hindu system good and bad aspects are not based on the types of aspects, but by the nature of the planets involved in the aspects. Ashtakavarga system, Shadvarga charts, Shadbala assessment and Yogavali are not found in the Western System.

The Hindu Science of Astrology also gives certain remedial measures to overcome mental, moral and physical sufferings by means of medicinal roots, mantras and yoga practices and Gemstones. Though Hindu Astrology deals with all the aspects of human life indicating materialistic success and failures, it is deeply rooted in philosophy. The Karmic theory which is akin to the Newton's third law of motion (i.e., action and reaction are equal and opposite), is also applied in the Hindu Astrology. That is why Markandeya Rishi gives this verse for Astrologers to write in the beginning of the horoscope which they cast.

Monday, October 03, 2011

ദാന ഫലം

നാം ജീവിതത്തില്‍ ചെയ്യുന്ന ഓരോ ധര്‍മ്മാധികള്‍ക്കും ഓരോരോ ഫലങ്ങലുണ്ടെന്നാണ് വിശ്വാസം.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Presiding dieties of the 27 Nakshatras

The 28 constellations (including Abhijit which is generally ignored in everyday astrological consultations) are presided over by Aswini. Yama, Agni. Prajapati, the Moon, Rudra, Aditi, Jupiter, Serpent, Pitrus or manes, Bhaga, Aryaman, Savita, Swashta, Vayu.lndragni, Mitra, Indra, Niruti, Visvedewa, Brahman, Vishnu, Vasu, Varuna, Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya and Pushan respectively.

Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra are supposed to be fixed constellations and they are favourable for coronations, laying the foundations of cities, sowing operations, planting trees and other permanent things.

Chitta, Anuradha, Mrigasira and Revati are soft constellations. They are good for wearing new apparel, learning dancing, music and fine arts, sexual union and performance of auspicious ceremonies.

Aswini, Pushya, Hasta and Abhijit are light constellations, and they can be selected for putting ornamentation, pleasures and sports, administering medicine, starting industries and undertaking travels.

Moola, Jyestha, Aridra and Aslesha are sharp in nature and they are favourable for incantations, invoking spirits, for imprisonment, murders, and separation of friends.

Saravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Punarvasu and Swati are movable stars and they are auspicious fcr acquiring vehicles, for gardening and for going on procession.

Pubba, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra, Bharani and Makha are dreadful stars and they a re suitable for nefarious schemes, poisoning, deceit, imprisonment, setting fire and other evil deeds.

Muhurtha for beginning Treatment

Beginning Treatment. - If one is suffering from a chronic disease, the
treatment should begin under Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira. Punarvasu,
Pushyami, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Chitta, Swati,
Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, and Revati. In respect of
ordinary complaints such as fever, biliousness, etc., no treatment would
be necessary unless the person has fallen ill in Pubba, Poorvashadha,
Poorvabhadra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, Aridra and Swati. Treatment is
absolutely necessary when one takes to bed-under the following
combinations, viz.: -

(a} Sunday coinciding with the 4th lunar day ruled by Aridra, Aslesha or
(b) Tuesday coinciding with the 9th lunar day ruled by Jyeshta, Swati, or
Bharani, and
(c) Saturday coinciding with the: 14th lunar day ruled by Pubba,
Poorvashadha and. Poorvabhadra.

Similarly, an illness that sets in under one's Janma Nakshatra or the
3rd, 5th and 7tb therefrom will cause much distress.
In regard to long-standing diseases or recurrent fevers, the best time for
taking medicine is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
coinciding with Hasta, Aswini, Chitta and Punarvasu respectively and
especially at the time when the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
occupy their own vargas and a moveable Rasi or Amsa is rising. -
Persons suffering from Typhoid or enteric should begin treatment on a
Sunday coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day not ruled
respectively by Aridra, Bharani and Visakha.
Any treatment commenced under Ugra yogas are supposed to prove
successful. Ugra yogas arise when the 3rd (or 9th), 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
9th, 10th, 12th (or 3rd) and 13th lunar days coincide respectively with
Rohini, Uttara, Sravana, Mrigasira. Revats, Krittika, Pushva, Anuradha.
Krittika (or Makha).
Treatment for Venereal Disease. - Select a time when Aries or Cancer
is rising on a New Moon day ruled by Kshipram. Ugram and Chara
Treatment for Rheumatisms - The 3rd, 8th and 13th lunar days are
good. Select Thursday ruled by Aslesha or Aswini.
Treatment for Gonorrhoea. - Wednesday is the best. Let the lunar day
be the 4th, 9th or 14th ruled by Kshipra, Ugra or Chara constellations.
Treatment for Leprosy. - The rising sign should be Kumbha, Makara,
Mesha, Simha or Vrischika. Place a powerful malefic in the 8th house.
Select (a) Tuesday coinciding with Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta, (b)
Saturday ruled by Pushya. Anuradha and Uttarabhadra, and (c) Sunday
coinciding with Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha. The lunar day must be
the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or the 14th.
Treatment for Epilepsy. - Let the Lagna be a common sign or a
moveable sign occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Fixed signs should
be avoided.
Treatment for Consumption. - The lunar day must be free from
Vishtikarana. The ruling constellation must belong to the Sadharana
group and the Moon must be aspected by a retrograde planet.
Treatment for Ascites. - Tuesday is the best. The constellation must be
Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Visakha, Makha or Jyeshta.
Taking Purgative. - Purgatives may be taken on the 2nd, 6th or 12th
lunar day. Any weekday (except Tuesday) may be chosen provided the
ruling constellation be Punarvasu, Revati, Swati or Aridra. Afternoon
must be avoided.
Taking Enemas. - Select either Saturday or Tuesday and avoid malefic
planets in the 7th and 8th houses.
Dental Treatment. - The Ugra yoga above referred to is quite suitable
for dental treatment also. See that the Moon is not afflicted and that
Chandrashtama is also avoided.
Taking Infections. - Injections may be taken on Saturday or Monday.
Aries, Taurus. Cancer and Virgo are auspicious. The 8th house must be
unoccupied. See that Mercury'is free from affliction; as otherwise the
pain wilt be severe and nervous weakness may set in.
Surgical Operations. - When possible, operate in the period of the
intrease of the Moon. Never operate at the exact time of the Full Moon
as the bodily fluids are running highest then. Let not the Moon at the
time of the operation be in the same sign as at birth. No Operation
should be done on the part of the body ruled by the sign through which
the Moon is transiting at that time but wait a day or more until the Moon
passes into the next sign below, and especially, if the Moon be in
conjunction, or evil aspect to malefics at the time.