The 28 constellations (including Abhijit which is generally ignored in everyday astrological consultations) are presided over by Aswini. Yama, Agni. Prajapati, the Moon, Rudra, Aditi, Jupiter, Serpent, Pitrus or manes, Bhaga, Aryaman, Savita, Swashta, Vayu.lndragni, Mitra, Indra, Niruti, Visvedewa, Brahman, Vishnu, Vasu, Varuna, Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya and Pushan respectively.
Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra are supposed to be fixed constellations and they are favourable for coronations, laying the foundations of cities, sowing operations, planting trees and other permanent things.
Chitta, Anuradha, Mrigasira and Revati are soft constellations. They are good for wearing new apparel, learning dancing, music and fine arts, sexual union and performance of auspicious ceremonies.
Aswini, Pushya, Hasta and Abhijit are light constellations, and they can be selected for putting ornamentation, pleasures and sports, administering medicine, starting industries and undertaking travels.
Moola, Jyestha, Aridra and Aslesha are sharp in nature and they are favourable for incantations, invoking spirits, for imprisonment, murders, and separation of friends.
Saravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Punarvasu and Swati are movable stars and they are auspicious fcr acquiring vehicles, for gardening and for going on procession.
Pubba, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra, Bharani and Makha are dreadful stars and they a re suitable for nefarious schemes, poisoning, deceit, imprisonment, setting fire and other evil deeds.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Muhurtha for beginning Treatment
Beginning Treatment. - If one is suffering from a chronic disease, the
treatment should begin under Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira. Punarvasu,
Pushyami, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Chitta, Swati,
Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, and Revati. In respect of
ordinary complaints such as fever, biliousness, etc., no treatment would
be necessary unless the person has fallen ill in Pubba, Poorvashadha,
Poorvabhadra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, Aridra and Swati. Treatment is
absolutely necessary when one takes to bed-under the following
combinations, viz.: -
(a} Sunday coinciding with the 4th lunar day ruled by Aridra, Aslesha or
(b) Tuesday coinciding with the 9th lunar day ruled by Jyeshta, Swati, or
Bharani, and
(c) Saturday coinciding with the: 14th lunar day ruled by Pubba,
Poorvashadha and. Poorvabhadra.
Similarly, an illness that sets in under one's Janma Nakshatra or the
3rd, 5th and 7tb therefrom will cause much distress.
In regard to long-standing diseases or recurrent fevers, the best time for
taking medicine is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
coinciding with Hasta, Aswini, Chitta and Punarvasu respectively and
especially at the time when the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
occupy their own vargas and a moveable Rasi or Amsa is rising. -
Persons suffering from Typhoid or enteric should begin treatment on a
Sunday coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day not ruled
respectively by Aridra, Bharani and Visakha.
Any treatment commenced under Ugra yogas are supposed to prove
successful. Ugra yogas arise when the 3rd (or 9th), 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
9th, 10th, 12th (or 3rd) and 13th lunar days coincide respectively with
Rohini, Uttara, Sravana, Mrigasira. Revats, Krittika, Pushva, Anuradha.
Krittika (or Makha).
Treatment for Venereal Disease. - Select a time when Aries or Cancer
is rising on a New Moon day ruled by Kshipram. Ugram and Chara
Treatment for Rheumatisms - The 3rd, 8th and 13th lunar days are
good. Select Thursday ruled by Aslesha or Aswini.
Treatment for Gonorrhoea. - Wednesday is the best. Let the lunar day
be the 4th, 9th or 14th ruled by Kshipra, Ugra or Chara constellations.
Treatment for Leprosy. - The rising sign should be Kumbha, Makara,
Mesha, Simha or Vrischika. Place a powerful malefic in the 8th house.
Select (a) Tuesday coinciding with Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta, (b)
Saturday ruled by Pushya. Anuradha and Uttarabhadra, and (c) Sunday
coinciding with Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha. The lunar day must be
the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or the 14th.
Treatment for Epilepsy. - Let the Lagna be a common sign or a
moveable sign occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Fixed signs should
be avoided.
Treatment for Consumption. - The lunar day must be free from
Vishtikarana. The ruling constellation must belong to the Sadharana
group and the Moon must be aspected by a retrograde planet.
Treatment for Ascites. - Tuesday is the best. The constellation must be
Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Visakha, Makha or Jyeshta.
Taking Purgative. - Purgatives may be taken on the 2nd, 6th or 12th
lunar day. Any weekday (except Tuesday) may be chosen provided the
ruling constellation be Punarvasu, Revati, Swati or Aridra. Afternoon
must be avoided.
Taking Enemas. - Select either Saturday or Tuesday and avoid malefic
planets in the 7th and 8th houses.
Dental Treatment. - The Ugra yoga above referred to is quite suitable
for dental treatment also. See that the Moon is not afflicted and that
Chandrashtama is also avoided.
Taking Infections. - Injections may be taken on Saturday or Monday.
Aries, Taurus. Cancer and Virgo are auspicious. The 8th house must be
unoccupied. See that Mercury'is free from affliction; as otherwise the
pain wilt be severe and nervous weakness may set in.
Surgical Operations. - When possible, operate in the period of the
intrease of the Moon. Never operate at the exact time of the Full Moon
as the bodily fluids are running highest then. Let not the Moon at the
time of the operation be in the same sign as at birth. No Operation
should be done on the part of the body ruled by the sign through which
the Moon is transiting at that time but wait a day or more until the Moon
passes into the next sign below, and especially, if the Moon be in
conjunction, or evil aspect to malefics at the time.
treatment should begin under Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira. Punarvasu,
Pushyami, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Chitta, Swati,
Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, and Revati. In respect of
ordinary complaints such as fever, biliousness, etc., no treatment would
be necessary unless the person has fallen ill in Pubba, Poorvashadha,
Poorvabhadra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, Aridra and Swati. Treatment is
absolutely necessary when one takes to bed-under the following
combinations, viz.: -
(a} Sunday coinciding with the 4th lunar day ruled by Aridra, Aslesha or
(b) Tuesday coinciding with the 9th lunar day ruled by Jyeshta, Swati, or
Bharani, and
(c) Saturday coinciding with the: 14th lunar day ruled by Pubba,
Poorvashadha and. Poorvabhadra.
Similarly, an illness that sets in under one's Janma Nakshatra or the
3rd, 5th and 7tb therefrom will cause much distress.
In regard to long-standing diseases or recurrent fevers, the best time for
taking medicine is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
coinciding with Hasta, Aswini, Chitta and Punarvasu respectively and
especially at the time when the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
occupy their own vargas and a moveable Rasi or Amsa is rising. -
Persons suffering from Typhoid or enteric should begin treatment on a
Sunday coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day not ruled
respectively by Aridra, Bharani and Visakha.
Any treatment commenced under Ugra yogas are supposed to prove
successful. Ugra yogas arise when the 3rd (or 9th), 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
9th, 10th, 12th (or 3rd) and 13th lunar days coincide respectively with
Rohini, Uttara, Sravana, Mrigasira. Revats, Krittika, Pushva, Anuradha.
Krittika (or Makha).
Treatment for Venereal Disease. - Select a time when Aries or Cancer
is rising on a New Moon day ruled by Kshipram. Ugram and Chara
Treatment for Rheumatisms - The 3rd, 8th and 13th lunar days are
good. Select Thursday ruled by Aslesha or Aswini.
Treatment for Gonorrhoea. - Wednesday is the best. Let the lunar day
be the 4th, 9th or 14th ruled by Kshipra, Ugra or Chara constellations.
Treatment for Leprosy. - The rising sign should be Kumbha, Makara,
Mesha, Simha or Vrischika. Place a powerful malefic in the 8th house.
Select (a) Tuesday coinciding with Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta, (b)
Saturday ruled by Pushya. Anuradha and Uttarabhadra, and (c) Sunday
coinciding with Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha. The lunar day must be
the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or the 14th.
Treatment for Epilepsy. - Let the Lagna be a common sign or a
moveable sign occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Fixed signs should
be avoided.
Treatment for Consumption. - The lunar day must be free from
Vishtikarana. The ruling constellation must belong to the Sadharana
group and the Moon must be aspected by a retrograde planet.
Treatment for Ascites. - Tuesday is the best. The constellation must be
Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Visakha, Makha or Jyeshta.
Taking Purgative. - Purgatives may be taken on the 2nd, 6th or 12th
lunar day. Any weekday (except Tuesday) may be chosen provided the
ruling constellation be Punarvasu, Revati, Swati or Aridra. Afternoon
must be avoided.
Taking Enemas. - Select either Saturday or Tuesday and avoid malefic
planets in the 7th and 8th houses.
Dental Treatment. - The Ugra yoga above referred to is quite suitable
for dental treatment also. See that the Moon is not afflicted and that
Chandrashtama is also avoided.
Taking Infections. - Injections may be taken on Saturday or Monday.
Aries, Taurus. Cancer and Virgo are auspicious. The 8th house must be
unoccupied. See that Mercury'is free from affliction; as otherwise the
pain wilt be severe and nervous weakness may set in.
Surgical Operations. - When possible, operate in the period of the
intrease of the Moon. Never operate at the exact time of the Full Moon
as the bodily fluids are running highest then. Let not the Moon at the
time of the operation be in the same sign as at birth. No Operation
should be done on the part of the body ruled by the sign through which
the Moon is transiting at that time but wait a day or more until the Moon
passes into the next sign below, and especially, if the Moon be in
conjunction, or evil aspect to malefics at the time.
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